
How did I start this journey?

I've always had a passion for art. I initially went to school for Advertising so that one day I could create logos and web pages for companies. I ended up working full time and school was pushed to the back burner. Finally when I went back to school (about 15 years later) I studied Psychology and loved every minute of it. What makes people think the way they do and how to interact with different personalities really peaked my interest. But art was still there hidden under all my adult responsibilities. I don't get to do it often, but when I do I take my time; I'm perfectionist to a fault when it comes to crafting (which can be a bad thing at times..lol).
I started making tumblers in March of 2018 when a friend and coworker asked me to add some vinyl decals on her tumbler. I starting Googl-ing and Youtub-ing (are those even words) 'vinyl decals on tumblers', or something to that effect, and all these other creative ideas popped up as well. Needless to say, a rabbit hole ensued! For weeks, I soaked in all the information I could and decided to jump in this crazy new fad of decorated tumblers.
Never did I realize it would turn into what it has today. It's oddly relaxing, it gets my creative juices going again and people love them! So here I am a few years later, still going; learning new and more difficult techniques as the months go on.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me through my journey! Every.single.one.of.you!! I would NOT be here if it wasn't for you all! <3 Oh, and don't let me catch you with a naked tumbler! I might snag it and slap some glitter on it!
Happy Tumbling!